T11 Basico Marathon

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3 days T a n g o L o v e6 milongasthe full tango bliss20.- 22.09. 2024

Join us from September 20th - 22nd 2024 on our beautiful Marathon
with our sweethearts and their dearest friends.

This year with a new name and the first Autum edition

So 3 days TangoLOVE 💖

The CAFE BÁSICO team also knows how to spoil hungry dancers with their delicious organic food.

This year we have Florencia our experienced Tango masseur in our team. With her magic hands she will
be sure to take care of your tired and "tortured" feet, legs, backs and even souls.

 Before breakfast the wonderful Regine will be offering some Yoga classes for everyone.

Special: Double Rolers are utterly welcome... the more the better

Looking forward to see YOU!


The CAFE BASICO offers about 23 low budget sleeping spots in two separate rooms for your recovery in a sleeping bag. (Earplugs are highly recommended)

In front of the venue we have 38 sheeted beds (bring sleeping bag or duvet) in old transformed train waggons with cozy shared compartments.

Right beside the venue there is a green space for about 6 smaller tents.

For our campervans (keep getting more) we have leased an extra parking lot for 30 vans behind the waggons.

For those who like more privacy we've made a list of hotels and pensions here on this website.


The T11 Basico Marathon is a mindful event on and beside the dancefloor.
This means:

* Keep Ronda / Floorcraft

* entering the dancefloor with a Mirada

* Don't come if you feel sick (no matter what)

* Keep hygiene basics (washing hands and so on)

* To support the CAFE BASICO we kindly ask you not to bring your own drinks. There will be vouchers at the bar for 5€ and 10€

* In a world where you can be anything... be KIND 💖

By registering, you agree that photos / videos will be taken during the marathon and may be published on our homepage, Cafe's page and in our closed Facebook group.

Unsere DJ's

Marathon prices...in the waggons ... your vanor in a hotel


Marathon-Ticket 3 days:
120 € + 30 € Dance-pass
- overnight stay not included -
This includes: 2x brunch, 1x cakes and coffee, 2 dinners and all snacks during the event + 6 Milongas

(there won't be a single day option)


You reservations cannot be transferred to others.
In case you cancel up to 7 days before the beginning of the Marathon,
you will be charged 20% cancellation fee
*or in case of sickness until a day prior, the cancellation fee is 50%
With beginning of the marathon there will be no refund anymore.


Price per night:

waggon (38 spots) 15 €

dormitory (ca 23 spots) 9 €

campervan/car (ca 30 spots) 8 €

tent (ca 6 spots) 6 €


Villa Trallala (very modest, friendly and also affordable, 10 km by motorway)
Marion Höppner, Albertus-Magnus-Straße 14, 57072 Siegen
Tel.: 0271-3134646 (booking option between 10 am - 8 pm)

Gasthof Schausten (modest and affordable, 5 km) Eichener Str. 119, 57223 Kreuztal - Eichen, Tel.: 02732-8384

Gasthof Belz (modest and affordable, ca. 3 km) Heesstr. 178, 57223 Kreuztal, Tel.: 02732-1358, Mobil: 0175-9833673

Gasthof Merje (ca. 8 km) Kredenbacher Str. 18, 57223 Kreuztal Tel.: 02732-2253, Fax: 02732-57526

Dorint Parkhotel (ca. 5 km) Patmosweg 60, 57078 Siegen, Tel.: 0271 770 0960

Hotel Zum Anker (very friendl, ca. 7 km) Hagener Str. 290, 57223 Kreuztal, Tel.: 02732-89550, Fax: 02732-895533

There is also a list of private pensions in the accommodation list Kreuztal. We don't know any of these though. https://www.kreuztal.de/stadtinfo-tourismus-freizeit/tourismus/gastgeberverzeichnis/de/

Euer T11 Basico Marathon Team

Die Marathon-Mama
Organisation & Webseite

Eva & Klaus
Die Gastgeber vom CAFE BASICO
Catering & Organisation Vorort

Anmeldung & Emails


Yoga für Tänzer & Tänzerinnen

Das Programmmm ...

Friday: from 5pm slow arrival
17:30 - 20:45     Milonga 1   
bis     21:00   Circle of Love
22:00 - open      Milonga 2

09:30 - 10:30
12:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 21:00
22:00 - open
Yoga for dancers
Milonga 3   
Milonga 4  
Milonga 5
09:30 - 10:30
12.30 - 17:00
Yoga for dancers
feeding time
10:30 - 12:30
17:00 - 18:00
21:00 - 22:00
all day
cakes 'n' coffee
snacks and fruits

Register here...

Sold out

For further questions please contact me either
per mail under info@tango11.de
oder or call me on 0163 89 21 558
To stay updated please join our FB group
Tango11 Marathon Familie

Got it all? So don't hesitate to go on with the registration...

Andrea Varas Muñoz • 0163 89 21 558
Eva und Klaus Vetter • Tel.: 0157 30183849
Haftungsausschluss (Disclaimer)
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG

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